Nav&Co : Combining the pleasure of sailing with biodiversity!
Have you heard of the Nav&Co application?
Designed for all users of the sea and coastline, Nav&Co is a fun and educational navigation application that will change our perception of the sea by superimposing information about the environment and biodiversity on dynamic maps.
As part of action C8 to raise awareness, the Life Marha team from the Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB) has joined forces with the Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM) and the Secrétariat d’État chargé de la Mer to develop the Nav&Co mobile application.
If you don’t want to sail like a fool and want to take care of the environment, don’t hesitate to download this brilliant application.
This ground-breaking navigation companion combines entertainment and education to raise sailors’ awareness of the importance of marine habitats and other elements of biodiversity lurking beneath their hulls. It also provides information on current regulations and practical advice on how to preserve these precious ecosystems.
In navigation mode :
- You can view your route and position using the Shom’s nautical charts and interactive beacons.
- You are informed when you have entered a marine protected area and of areas subject to environmental regulations.
In discovery mode :
Discover the natural riches that surround you, find out about best practices for protecting marine biodiversity and learn more about marine habitats and animals that are vital to the health of our oceans.